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siâp a lliw

siâp a lliw

Regular price £12.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £12.00 GBP
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set yn cynnwys lliwiau, a siapiau 2d a 3d

pa liwiau sy’n cymysgu i wneud beth? sawl wyneb sydd gan silindr?

gwybodaeth sylfaenol am liwiau cynradd, eilradd, a chymysgu lliwiau, ynghyd â lluniau a phriodweddau siapau 2d a siapau 3d

26 cerdyn sglein trwchus wedi eu dylunio â llaw




set including colours, and 2d and 3d shapes

what colours do you need to mix to make another? how many faces does a cylinder have?

foundational information on primary and secondary colours, and colour mixing, with pictures and properties of 2d and 3d shapes

26 thick, glossy cards designed by hand

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